Relaxation Techniques


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Meditation is grounded in eastern culture, especially in India and Tibet. It became popular in western culture in recent years.

Maharishi Mahesh Yogi introduced meditation into western culture with the purpose of helping the stressed people effectively.

Meditation teaches us to focus on a word or an image, be quiet and cut off all the distracted thinking. The process of meditation is as



Choose a place and time that we could cut off all the disturbances, switch off the mobile phones and pagers.


Sit down on a straight-backed chair, put our hands on our legs. Keep the upper parts of our body straight, and don't let our head and shoulders collapse. Hold this straight position and relax our muscles at the same time.


Close our eyes. Put all of our attention on our breathing, and keep all the things natural


Don't shift our attention from breathing to the other part of our body. Choose a focal point, e.g., focus on our nose or stomach, let the feeling of breathing occupy all our senses


When distracted thought appears, don't follow it or push it out. Focus on our breathing only, count one when inhaling and count two when exhaling, focus on our breathing.


After meditation, stand up slowly. Keep the balanced sensation we have experienced in meditation while we are performing other activities.


It is better to practice meditation at the same time every day. Five minutes is enough for a beginner, after a period of time, the time can be prolonged to 15 to 20 minutes or more.


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